This site in German

In due course, in these pages, I want to – in addition to a text from my own pen – introduce to you a few comments on Nietzsche's work that, in my opinion, are still valid today.

On Nietzsche's Philosophy

Helmut Walther (Nürnberg)
Nietzsche – Human and Super-Human (1988)

Helmut Walther (Nürnberg)
Nietzsche und Pascal, Inspiration und Transzendenz (2000)

Buchbesprechung Helmut Walther:
Prof. Dr. Hermann Josef Schmidt (2000)
Wider weitere Entnietzschung Nietzsches - Eine Streitschrift

Alibri Verlag Aschaffenburg, ISBN 3-932710-26-6

Informieren Sie sich auch über meine folgenden Artikel:
Biedermeier und Visionäre - Feuerbach, Nietzsche und Wagner (1999)
Feuerbach und Nietzsche - die Wiederentdeckung der Sinnlichkeit (1999)
Feuerbach und Schopenhauer - ein Vergleich ihrer Ethik (1999)

Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Schoeps
Friedrich Nietzsche oder das Ringen um eine neue Welt (1960)

For the 100th anniversary of Nietzsche's death, I have added an, IMHO, quite important Text on Nietzsche's philosophy:  an extract of the very likely first lectures on Nietzsche's philosophy in Germany by Raoul Richter, extraordinary professor at the University of Leipzig, from the year 1903.  Preface and Introduction provide a good overview of the then prevailing opinion on NIetzsche, and Richter's concluding chapter shows a fair and un-biased view that is capable of putting Nietzsche's thinking into a historical context--overall very informative reading for those who can read German!
The text is presented here in the PDF format, and it is assumed that you have at your disposal the required Acrobat Reader.

Professor Raoul Richter
Friedrich Nietzsche
Sein Leben und sein Werk
Leipzig 1909